
Nov 3, 2009

Haiguste Ravi. Kontrollitud - book about streetart!

Today I got few copies of just released book about Estonian graffiti movement from early 90's to 2009. Book is called "Haiguste Ravi. Kontrollitud". At the moment it's available only for small circle but I really hope it's going to reach every book store in near future!
In this book you can also find more than 20 pages of our EK53 crew works and stuff through the years! In your first change check it out! Quality print, hardcover and burner stylezzz...
Here's some sample pages from the just appeared book...


Unknown said...

jees! üllatuslikult sisukam ja huvitavam, kui algul kardetud. ehk siis esialgu ei tekkinud ootusi-lootusi. tugev projekt, omamoodi ajalooline ju.

johann said...

kust ma saan